5 Must Have Gadgets for the Classy Home

IRobot_Roomba3. IRobot Roomba

I know what you are thinking: “I don’t clean, I hired a maid service to clean for me”. And as true as that statement may be (and also a great idea… everyone should hire a cleaning service). I have some news for you: Your place doesn’t stay clean between visits from the maid. So in order to keep that nice clean appearance between maid visits, the iRobot Roomba 870 Vacuum Cleaning Robot For Pets and Allergies can take care of you. It vacuums by itself assuring that any guests staying the night aren’t going to end up with one of your old toenail clippings in the bottom of their feet when they get up to use the restroom post coitus… Not to mention it makes you look like George Jetson.